Name | BSS P73SH |
Version | |
Autor | thenevsova36, převod do FS25 Milan #82 |
Dateiname | |
Größe | 21,56 MB |
Aktiv | Ja |
Karte | Nein |
Beschreibung | Old Czech agro trailer with 7t load weight, made in 1970s. Max Speed: 25 km/h Lifetime: 600 h Price: 10 000 € Features: - Body: Standard, Additional walls, Silage, Bale - Variable capacity: 6000l, 9000l or 15000l - Tension Belts - Changing color - Design configurations - FS25 materials - wheels have mudMesh added - log is clean ChangeLog: added selectable colors for silage grid , added base game colors |